Western digital my book live 2tb manual
We have determined that the unauthenticated factory reset vulnerability was introduced to the My Book Live in April of as part of a refactor of authentication logic in the device firmware. Analysis of the Attack We have reviewed log files which we have received from affected customers to understand and characterize the attack. The log files we reviewed show that the attackers directly connected to the affected My Book Live devices from a variety of IP addresses in different countries.
Our investigation shows that in some cases, the same attacker exploited both vulnerabilities on the device, as evidenced by the source IP. The first vulnerability was exploited to install a malicious binary on the device, and the second vulnerability was later exploited to reset the device. On some devices, the attackers installed a trojan with a file named.
A sample of this trojan has been captured for further analysis and it has been uploaded to VirusTotal. Our investigation of this incident has not uncovered any evidence that Western Digital cloud services, firmware update servers, or customer credentials were compromised. As the My Book Live devices can be directly exposed to the internet through port forwarding, the attackers may be able to discover vulnerable devices through port scanning.
The vulnerabilities being exploited in this attack are limited to the My Book Live series, which was introduced to the market in and received a final firmware update in These vulnerabilities do not affect our current My Cloud product family. For customers who have lost data as a result of these attacks, Western Digital will provide data recovery services.
Creating a User The Administrator can create users and limit what shares they can access. Click the Create New User button. Enter all required information indicated by red asterisk. Click the Save button. If you want to create a private share for the user, in the Share Access section on the right panel, click the Create new share button. Complete all required settings indicated by red asterisk and any optional settings, as follows: Share Name Assign a name to the share that clearly indicates the type of files it will contain.
Share Description Enter a brief description of the content in the share. Note: In this manual, we use the terms share and folder interchangeably. Creating a New Share You can create a share and designate it as public or private. For example, if the share contains financial information, you may want to deny access to your children.
Complete all required settings indicated by red asterisk and any optional settings, as follows: Share Name Assign a name to the share. Share Description Enter a brief description of the share to remind yourself of what it contains. Click the Create new user button in the Share Access section on the right. A Create New User box displays over the screen: 3. Page Double-click the drive to display the Public share and any private shares to which you have access.
Open the Create section. Click the Discover button to display a list of available devices on your network. To create a safepoint on the share immediately, click the Create Now button and complete the required fields.
You may choose to enable auto-updates as well. A progress bar displays. Page 93 You may choose to enable auto updates as well. Auto updates help keep your safepoint up to date with the content on your My Book Live by copying changes since the last update. If the creation process was not successful or was interrupted, the Manage section top of page displays the appropriate status.
Note: If you want to see the content of the safepoint stored on another device, access the folder on the device where you stored it. To update your safepoint manually, go to the Manage section at the top of the page and click the update icon to the lower right of your safepoint.
Page 96 Recovering from a Safepoint The Recover section enables you to restore your data from a safepoint to a factory- fresh My Book Live or compatible Western Digital device. Open the Recovery section: 2. Click the Discover button to display a list of available devices on your network: 3. Page 97 6. If there are no errors, the recovery operation begins and a progress bar appears. Wait for the operation to finish. Your device restarts after the recovery operation and then can be used in place of your original My Book Live.
Selecting a particular safepoint allows you to rename, update, or delete it. To update a safepoint with the latest changes on your My Book Live drive, click the update icon for your safepoint. WD 2go provides a convenient file list of the My Book Live contents and then launches your favorite player or viewer for any files you wish to open. Enabling Remote Access Use the Remote Access page of the My Book Live dashboard to enable you and other authorized users to access your files on the go.
On the navigation panel, click Settings. Page Enabling Remote Access Set up and manage mobile access to your photos, music, and documents, and videos on the My Book Live through an Apple or Android device. Page Setting Up Mobile Access 3. From the drop-down list, select a user. Listed users are those who have access rights to My Book Live shares. Note: When you add access to a mobile device application such as WD Photos, the specified userid retains its share access privileges.
Page Codes are valid for 48 hours from the time of request and can be used one time only. Click the Continue button you may have to scroll to the bottom of the page to see it.
Page Important: Make sure the photos you want to view on the mobile device are stored in the Shared Pictures subfolder in the Public share of your My Book Live drive.
WD Photos lets you view photos in. Page NAS devices you can have. Tap the My Book Live drive. Tap your My Book Live drive to display your album s , and then tap an album to display its photos. Page 9. Tap a file to display its contents. The Connectivity Status must be Ready or Connected. Navigate to the Web Access section of the Remote Access page. Page Note: If you need to resend the registration email, click resend email icon. Page 1.
Select the My Book Live you would like to access. Depending on whether you have remotely accessed a share before, a Java application run request may appear. Page Accessing Your Personal Cloud 5. Once the Java applet has successfully run, your accessible shares display. On Windows XP only, the following message displays. Click the OK button. If a Java message asks you to Allow or Deny the connection, click the Allow button. Select the file s you want to access. You can view, edit, delete, or copy files just as you would with any network drive.
Page My Book Live and then create a separate web access account for that particular user. Only the shares to which the user has access display. If you do not want this media to be made available, place the media in a separate share, then turn off the DLNA indexing for that share. Page You or anyone connected to the My Book Live device can use iTunes to play stored music files. This service creates a virtual music library on the device and treats it as an iTunes repository, making it possible to stream music files from the My Book Live device to Windows or Mac computers running iTunes.
Page Media Types Supported Close button. Storing Content You can drag and drop media files into the corresponding folders in the Public share e. Media Types Supported Audio files Shares, similar to folders or directories, are areas set up to organize media and access them from your network. Shares can be shared with everyone public or with selected users on your network private. The following types are discussed in this Select Private, and then click Next: 4.
Page Live. Page 4. Navigate to the Home screen, and select the icon for the media content you wish to access. It can be Music ,Video , or Photo 5. Press to select Media servers and press Enter: 6. Ensure that your Xbox and My Book Live are powered on and connected to your local area network. Page Following are general steps for setting up devices such as digital picture frames, Blu Ray players, network connected TVs, and digital media adapters: 1.
This service creates a virtual music library on the device and treats it as an iTunes repository, making it possible to stream media files from the My Book Live to Windows or Mac computers running iTunes. Click MyBookLive under the Shared section of the left pane. Page Troubleshooting Resetting the My Book Live If you have set a password or a static IP address on the My Book Live dashboard and have forgotten it, pressing the reset button while the device is powered up resets the password to the default value of none and to default IP settings.
Resetting does not erase your files. Confirm the network cable is properly connected to the My Book Live and the network switch or router. Make sure the network switch or router has power. Page If the LED is any other color, wait for it to turn green. How do I upgrade from My Book Live 3. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
Page Limited Warranty Modification of or tampering with the Software, including but not limited to any Open Source Software, is solely at your own risk. Western Digital is not responsible for any such modification or tampering. Western Digital will not support any product in which you have or have attempted to modify the Software supplied by Western Digital.
The server is pre-set, so you can just transfer your multimedia content to the Public share on your My Book Live, and To scan for new media players, click the Rescan button. When the rescan is complete, the new list of media players displays in the media player table.
Note: The system rescans the media players automatically; the Rescan button is primarily for troubleshooting. The recommended file sharing protocol for Windows platform allows users to access shares through My Network Places.
See also Protocol. Page Internet. A system in which computer users in the same company or organization are linked to each other and often to centrally-stored collections of data in LAN servers. Page See also Protocol. TwonkyMedia Server—A server application that searches for all the media for example, videos, photos, and music stored on the My Book Live connected to your home network. A set of computer network protocols that simplify the implementation of networks in the home by allowing devices to connect seamlessly.
Page opening shares 47 options 44 safely shutting down 50 shortcut to public share 49 shortcuts 45 uninstalling 53 WD Service WD SmartWare exiting safely 47 file categories 25 file extensions 25 Home screen 24 installing 23 launching 24 overview 22 pausing backups 36 setting auto update preferences 37 setting number of backup versions Print page 1 Print document pages.
Rename the bookmark. Delete bookmark? Cancel Delete.