West nile virus statistics 2013
WNV activity typically occurs during the summer months and into the fall. The annual number of reported WNV disease cases can fluctuate widely, as a result of periodic epidemics.
All residents of and visitors to areas where WNV activity has been identified are at risk of WNV infection, particularly people who engage in outdoor work and recreational activities. West Nile virus disease is a nationally notifiable condition. Cases are reported to CDC by state and local health departments using standard case definitions.
Computational framework To characterize WNV transmission in the different parts of Emilia-Romagna, we divided the region into 5 areas by clustering the trap locations namely A, B, C, D, E in Fig 1 following a qualitative analysis of WNV circulation during the — transmission seasons see section Clustering in the S1 Appendix. Fig 2. Schematic representation of the computational framework. Results In , WNV was recorded earlier June and in a higher fraction of pools in the two central B, C and two northeastern D, E clusters with respect to previous years.
Discussion In this study, we analyzed the dynamics of WNV in the Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy, using previously developed mathematical models to estimate mosquito density and simulate virus transmission between mosquitoes and birds. Supporting information. S1 Appendix. Supporting text containing methodological details and additional results. S1 Table. Recorded average entomological captures for each year and cluster.
S2 Table. Total number of analyzed mosquito pools for each year and cluster. S3 Table. Total number of WNV positive pools for each year and cluster. References 1. Am J Trop Med Hyg. View Article Google Scholar 2.
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The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station maintains 91 mosquito trap sites in 73 towns statewide. The trapping sites were selected based on habitat, proximity to residential areas, and historical findings. Results provide information on the numbers and types of mosquitoes present, as well as the rates of infection with WNV and other viruses that may have public health importance. The information obtained through surveillance helps guide statewide prevention and control measures.
Connecticut State Department of Public Health. West Nile Virus Statistics.