Windows xp norton anti virus
This forum thread needs a solution. Kudos 0. My browser is the most up to date one for XP, please advise if there is any way round this Best wishes Chris K. I have the same question 0. Welcome Guest, Login Register. Norton AntiVirus , Downloads.
Do you have software version that is not currently listed? Upload it now and get rewarded! Need a software version that is not currently listed? Reg: Apr Kudos 1 Stats. From Norton's own web site for system requirements, XP is no longer supported. Things happen. Reg: Sep Maybe, Maintenance Mode refers to current installs? Maybe, because it runs DOS? Maybe, the key is invalid?
Please forgive me for reposting as I cannot see antoher way to expand the situation I have used Norton for more than 20 years. It works for me, though the configuration application crashes occasionally when closing it. Windows will warn you that the product is known to have problems and will refer you to a link on Symantec's website where you can download an updated version of SYMEVENT. Save the file on your computer Just double-click the file and it will install itself. As I said, the actual application configuration tool sometimes crashes when I close it, but other than that it seems to work fine.
KIDO1 Member. May 5, 0 0. I do not know why people talk before they try something. There is just a small trick you have to do. When you try to install it evey like 20 sec a message will come and tell you that Systemworks is not compatible with this oper.
Just ignore it. After you install it, run it. An error is going to come on your screen and above the error there will be a link to the norton's web site.
Just click on the link and download a file which was if i am not wrong around kb. Install it and your SystemWorks will work perfectly.