Websphere portal software requirements

Customer Support. Overview HCL Digital Experience formerly IBM WebSphere Portal and IBM Web Content Manager empowers you to create, manage, and deliver engaging omnichannel digital experiences to virtually all audiences with responsive content, targeted offers, seamlessly integrated applications, and consistent branding across channels web, mobile.

Roadmaps to deploy your system Review the roadmaps to understand the common deployment, configuration, migration, and integration patterns. Roadmaps to create your website Review the roadmaps to understand how to create your website. Installing HCL Digital Experience provides flexible deployment options that range from proof-of-concept where you can examine and test functionality to a highly available and scalable production environment. Backup and restore Backup and recovery of data files and databases is an essential operation for any business system, particularly for data and applications that run in production environments.

Migrating Successful migration requires significant planning and preparation, understanding the tools that are involved, and careful execution of the appropriate steps in the order provided. Administering Use the administration tools that are provided with the portal to do various day-to-day administration tasks.

Securing Security tasks include setting up property extension databases and custom user repositories, configuring and activating SSL, and configuring authentication.

Monitoring HCL Portal includes tools and features to help you monitor the portal site. Setting up a website Setting up a website includes, creating pages, adding navigation, setting up search, and adding content to the site. Staging to production During portal solution development, the solution is initially developed, tested, and refined on one server or a limited number of servers. Changing to a developer mode environment Install HCL Digital Experience and then immediately change to a developer mode environment.

Extending HCL Portal class path Developing themes and skins You can create themes using modules to contribute to separate areas of pages to provide flexibility, enhance the user experience, and maximize performance. Model SPI overview Models provide information that is needed by HCL Digital Experience to perform tasks such as content aggregation or building navigation to browse the aggregated content.

Portal Access Control interfaces Portal Access Control provides interfaces for retrieving and modifying and access control information of portal resources, such as portlets or pages. Developing portlets Get an overview of the process of creating portlets, learn about the concepts of the APIs used to develop portlets, and view the samples to get you started.

Extending tagging and rating by using service APIs Developers can enhance and extend the tagging and rating features of the portal. How to create a custom launch page You can configure an authoring portlet to use a launch page of your own design instead of the default user interface.

How to create custom plug-ins A custom plug-in is a reusable Java class that you create to run a task. How to display data from external sources You display data from external sources, such as SQL databases, by using the same methods as you would when you create a website.

Java messaging services for web content Web Content Manager supports for the notification of events such as item state changes, or services starting and stopping. Troubleshooting This section helps you resolve problems, use diagnostic tools and tracing to capture HCL Digital Experience system errors.

Reference View information that can help you use the Digital Experience Help Center including directory conventions, terms of use, trademarks, a glossary, and more. Content Template Catalog 4. HCL Digital Experience 9. The path for the Dojo V1. Dojo V1. Notes: The Portal 8. This version is the only supported version of Dojo with the Portal 8. The Portal 7. This version is the only supported version of Dojo with the Portal 7. The Page Builder theme uses Dojo V1.

The Page Builder theme is deprecated in Portal 8. The Dojo toolkit that is provided with the portal will be updated as needed over time. This toolkit might include entire new Dojo versions, and specific defect fixes. Compatibility of future Dojo versions is defined by the Dojo project. Note: The portal components that use Dojo are only supported for use with the bundled Dojo. Upgrading your custom portal themes to a later Dojo version supported by the portal: To upgrade your existing custom themes to a later supported version of Dojo, see the following sections: Portal 7.

Page Builder theme, Dojo V1. When you are working with Dojo and portal components, be aware of the following best practices: Only one instance of Dojo can be loaded in a page, and the current Dojo policy is that the first Dojo included in the page takes precedence. Therefore: Dojo can be loaded only once per namespace. You can load more than one version of Dojo in the page by using the Dojo native support for scopes.

For details, see the Dojo documentation. For performance reasons, it is best to load only one version of Dojo in the page. However, applications or the theme can load more Dojo bundles if they are scoped to different namespaces than the Dojo defaults. You need to make sure that applications and portlets that reference Dojo at a particular namespace scope work correctly with the version of Dojo that is mapped to that scope. Different themes in the same portal can use different versions of Dojo.

Note for Version 6. However, you must apply the latest cumulative fix to your source environment. Your target environment must also have the latest cumulative fix and the most recent fix pack applied.

When you migrate to Version 8. Note: You cannot upgrade the source portal with a fix pack after migration if you intend to remigrate the JCR. For example, if your source portal is Version 7. This path is not supported. Rate this topic 5 stars 4 stars 3 stars 2 stars 1 star. Comment on this topic. By clicking this box, you acknowledge that you are NOT a U.

Federal Government employee or agency, nor are you submitting information with respect to or on behalf of one. HCL provides software and services to U. Federal Government customers through its partners immixGroup, Inc. Migration to a different remote server is not supported. Completing a thorough plan before migrating to the latest version of HCL Digital Experience has a direct impact in the effort invested during the actual migration. Become familiar with the environment you are migrating to target environment.

Also, make sure that the environment you are migrating from source environment is up to date with fixes and meets the requirements for migration. Before you begin the steps for migration, you must perform some critical tasks on your source environment, such as creating back ups, installing the latest cumulative fix and one of the two most recent fix packs, and disabling automatic synchronization if you are migrating a cluster.

Review the topics in this section, and perform the required tasks to ensure that your source environment remains functional and the migration completes successfully. To prepare your target environment, ensure that you have applied the latest cumulative fix and the most recent fix pack before you start migration.

In addition, create new copies of the source databases for the target environment to use, and prepare the target environment for any custom applications that have dependencies or any other tasks that need to be performed for remote or cluster migrations. For Version 8.

Use the roadmaps for cluster and stand-alone environments to guide you through the process. This task is a required if you are on CF07 or earlier.

After you migrate using the Configuration Wizard, you must run two tasks to ensure that all of the Combined Cumulative Fix updates are applied to your system before you complete other post-migration or enablement tasks. If you are on CF08 or later, the Configuration Wizard automatically runs these commands. To ensure that your new environment functions properly, complete administrative tasks such as enabling automatic synchronization, migrating web server configurations, configuring a federated LDAP user registry, and more.

You can add the Portal 8. Custom portal resources, such as themes and skins, are migrated automatically. The Portal 8. However, you must complete extra steps to apply the theme to your pages. If you migrate from Version 7. If your system requires this theme, then you can manually reinstall it.

Complete the development tasks that are required after the migration to ensure that your environment functions properly. There are different post-migration tasks that are required depending on the type of database that is used. Complete the post-migration tasks that are required based on the way you use your HCL Digital Experience environment.

The migration process collects configuration data and applications from an earlier installed version of HCL Digital Experience and merges them into the newer installed version so that the new environment is identical to the earlier environment.

Taking advantage of new functionality that was not available in the earlier portal requires additional attention after migration is complete. Use the administration tools that are provided with the portal to do various day-to-day administration tasks. There are two methods for editing portal setup: using the administration portlets or the XML configuration interface.

The administration portlets are a convenient way to make real-time updates to the portal's configuration.

While the XML configuration interface is suited to more advanced administration, including batch processing of updates. Security tasks include setting up property extension databases and custom user repositories, configuring and activating SSL, and configuring authentication. HCL Portal includes tools and features to help you monitor the portal site. Setting up a website includes, creating pages, adding navigation, setting up search, and adding content to the site. Themes are used to customize the portal's look-and-feel.

Out-of-the-box templates and the site wizard can help you set up your portal site faster. You can add wikis and blogs to your site and let users tag and rate content on your site. During portal solution development, the solution is initially developed, tested, and refined on one server or a limited number of servers.


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